Let’s talk about brand loyalty for a second…
Why is it so crucial for your business?
Well, to make a long story short: without loyal customers, your business WON’T succeed.
That’s it, that’s the post for today.
(Just kidding.)
Did you know that 25–40% of total revenue from most stable businesses comes from returning customers? That means that repeat customers drive 3–7x the revenue per visit as one-time buyers.
That’s CRAZY.
Once someone makes a purchase, they are officially a customer. But how the heck do you keep them coming back? How do you create a valued customer lifecycle optimized for growth?
After your potential customer discovers you on social media or a friend tells them about your business, they start to get interested.
Then, they start engaging with you and consuming your content.
Finally, your potential customer takes the plunge, makes a purchase, and becomes an actual customer.
Here’s where you need to really pay attention because the hard work starts NOW.
Yep, the serious work actually happens AFTER they make that first purchase because now, you want to turn that first-time buyer into a LOYAL AF customer.
✨ Nurture: Nurture your customers as best as you can. Post value-packed content, engage with their stuff, and show them that you really care about their success.
✨ Support: Show up for them whenever you can. If they’re doing the same for you, it’s the least you can do.
✨ Experience: Care about your process from start to finish! Provide your clients with a fantastic experience they won’t forget (and they can’t wait to tell their friends about.)
✨ Bond: Develop a bond with your clients. Remember, the party doesn’t stop once they buy—keep showing up long after the card’s been swiped.
You want to make their experience SO GOOD; they can’t resist coming back. I’m talking white-glove service full of incredible surprises. I mean, wouldn’t you keep coming back for more?!
One of the best ways to start growing a loyal community is by posting valuable, actionable social media content.
Need help doing that?
Download my FREE 10-Done-For-You Social Captions today to reach a wider audience and elevate your business.